Tips To Keep Your Smile Bright This Summer

Summertime is here, and everyone is ready for sunny vacations, backyard barbecues, poolside parties. With fun gatherings and parties comes lots of moments to capture, which means your smile has to be perfect for all photos taken during your summer activities. We have a few reminders to keep your pearly whites healthy and beautiful over the summer. 

1. Oral Hygiene 

Maintain your oral hygiene by regularly brushing with a whitening toothpaste at least twice a day. Most people think that brushing is enough to clean the teeth, but they are mistaken. Flossing daily is necessary as it removes food that could be stuck between the teeth and prevents plaque buildup. And lastly, keep regular hygiene appointments. 

2. Avoid teeth-staining food and drinks. 

To keep teeth white, keep yourself away from getting them stained in the first place. It is imperative to know which foods and drinks can stain your teeth for you to take the necessary steps to keep them from staining immediately. The most popular beverages that stain your teeth which are consumed on a daily basis by almost all people, are coffee and tea. You can choose other alternatives like herbal/fruit-infused teas with ice, it would be great for summertime to give it go. 

3. Teeth-friendly diet 

Try to consume a healthy diet that contributes to maintaining your teeth healthy and white. Fruits like strawberry and orange, and other citrus fruits can help to lift minor stains. You can include apples, carrots in your daily diet as it stimulates saliva and dairy products to strengthen your teeth. Make sure to follow a healthy diet to protect your pearly smile. 

4. Professional teeth whitening 

If your teeth are already stained or naturally discoloured, whitening strips and toothpaste might not be helpful to give a pearly white smile. You may need to visit your dentist to get your teeth professionally whitened, which is the safest and best way to get your teeth white. 

Ready to get a whiter, more beautiful smile? Contact Melbourne Dental today to schedule your appointment!