Invisalign vs. Braces – Which is Better?

It can be difficult to decide whether to use traditional metal braces or Invisalign trays due to a variety of reasons. To help make your decision easier, Melbourne Dental Family Care details some of the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

The Advantages of Invisalign


Because Invisalign trays are made out of a transparent plastic material, they’re much less visible. Many patients feel self-conscious about wearing any type of orthodontic appliance, but Invisalign trays offer a discreet way to straighten teeth without other people noticing.

Easier to Eat Foods & Clean Your Teeth

Patients can take out their Invisalign trays to eat any foods they want, which is something that can’t be done with braces. Likewise, being able to take out the trays makes it much easier for patients to brush and floss their teeth.

The Disadvantages of Invisalign


Invisalign trays must be taken out of the mouth before eating or drinking to prevent food getting stuck in them. This can make it inconvenient when going out in public for a meal.

Compliance is Necessary

Patients must wear their Invisalign trays for at least 22 hours every day. Those who don’t do this or who fail to follow their dentist’s other instructions likely won’t get the results they want.

The Advantages of Braces


Braces use greater force than Invisalign to move teeth into a desired position. This means braces are considered to be more effective for achieving a positive outcome.

Treats Complex Issues

Braces can correct complex issues that Invisalign can’t, such as large gaps or severely rotated teeth. Braces contains anchors and an arch wire that’s designed to pull teeth into their desired position, giving the patient a beautiful smile.

The Disadvantages of Braces

Aesthetically Unappealing

Traditional braces consist of metal brackets that are bonded to each tooth. The appearance of braces can make patients feel self-conscious about their appearance when out in public.

Cleaning Teeth is Harder

Having braces makes it harder for patients to properly brush and floss their teeth, which increases the likelihood of plaque building up. Patients will be given instructions on how to correctly brush and floss while they have braces.

Difficulties with Food

It isn’t recommended for patients with braces to eat hard and sticky foods, as these can make the arch wire break or dislodge a bracket from the tooth it’s attached to. If this happens, the treatment time may be prolonged.

Which Treatment is Better?

The short answer is that both Invisalign and traditional braces are effective treatments, but which treatment is best suited to your needs will ultimately depend on what kind of orthodontic issue needs correcting. Our dentist can examine your teeth and help you determine what the best course of action will be.

Contact Melbourne Dental Family Care Today

Book an appointment with Melbourne Dental Family Care today by calling (03) 9654 6181 or contacting us online.