How Do You Know If You Have A Rotten Tooth?

There is more to your teeth than just a beautiful white smile. If you don’t take good oral care, there is a high possibility of you losing your tooth even in your adulthood. Most patients visit the dentist after neglecting the signs and symptoms because of less oral health knowledge. But finally, when the pain begins and becomes unbearable, and that’s when they come for the treatment. Ignoring tooth decay will compromise your oral health to the point that you might even lose one or several teeth. 

In this blog, you will learn all about tooth decay so that if you experience any of these symptoms, you know what to do. 

But first, what is tooth decay? 

Tooth decay is damage caused to a tooth by dental plaque that turns sugars into acid. Tooth decay and cavities are among the world’s most common oral health problems. Cavities, also called tooth decay or caries, are caused by multiple factors, including bacteria in your mouth, intake of sugary drinks, frequent snacking, and lack of proper oral hygiene. 

Here are some signs and symptoms of Rotten Tooth: 

1. Toothache 

If you are experiencing more than just a toothache, you most likely might be suffering from a severe form of tooth decay known as Rotten Tooth. 

2. Bad Breath 

If you are constantly getting bad odour from your mouth even after brushing your teeth well and using a mouthwash, well, this could be a sign that there must be something wrong. Halitosis, aka bad breath, is usually the result of excessive bacteria in the mouth, and these bacteria could lead to tooth decay. 

3. Dark-colored Tooth 

If you notice black spots on the teeth, then it is a cause for concern. Teeth that are dark in colour are a sign of rotting. If you see even a slight darkening of your teeth, visit the dentist immediately to check, clean, and restore your teeth. If you neglect blackened teeth, the treatment won’t be easy. 

4. Tooth Sensitivity 

The teeth sensitivity to high or low temperatures may not be a surefire sign of rotten teeth, but it is an indication that rot might be present. 

In our clinic, we offer you access to all of the dental specialities in one location. Book your appointment today and let your rotten tooth problem become a thing of the past.